This year Christmas morning started in the most unusual fashion. My Dad. My Dad and I have not spoken in a very long time. Well, at 5:55 am (Phillip says 6am - but I looked at the clock) my Dad called. I could NOT believe it . . . it was my Dad who woke us up - not my kids. Since we had a rule that nobody would rise before 6am - the kids were thrilled that someone actually got us up for them. Well, we all took turns talking to Dad/Grandpa and then headed downstairs for the much anticipated turn of events. I included snapshots of kids talking on the phone, of Ellie being woke up from bed, of kids coming down the stairs, etc. We usually have a couple of gifts already set up and sitting out next to the tree - and so when Ellie came downstairs she saw her new dollhouse all set up for her. She was elated . . . as was I! It was so much fun to watch each child's face light up to see their gift all set up and awaiting them. Then Phillip, Jessica, and I got some coffee (ofcourse) and settled in to listen to Phillip read some scripture. After that we had soooo much fun taking turns and watching one another open gifts. Isaac received what he wanted - a little digital camera (just one from Walleyworld), Gabe got a William Wallace sword (he was so excited), Ethan got a bullwhip (yes he wanted this), Ellie got her dollhouse, and Chloe got a talking Elmo. Then came the stockings. I always put a chocolate orange and toothbrush in each - an oxymoron - I know. This year in Phillip's stocking I included a story of us. We did not exchange gifts this year, instead deciding to focus on the children. So . . . to get creative, I wrote our story in third person narrative (like a novel) down in a leather notebook. I wrote of us from right before we met up until our engagement. I plan on writing more in it as he will be travelling much this year. I also plan on including some pictures of us throughout our journey together. I loved doing this. Something about remembering those sweet times. Just did something for me. I hope your Christmas was filled with wonderful memories as well.
Sounds like a wonderful Christmas to me Charissa...and what a treasure of a gift for Phillip....we had a beautiful Christmas with Josh and Kristi and boys...we are blessed, aren't we?
Thank you for sharing your Christmas morning. Glad it was wonderful for you. Wanna hear something funny? Adah saw the Elmo sitting on Chloe's tray and said "my elmo" She got the same Elmo for Christmas from Sharon. Did you know he raps? Weird and funny at the same time... he is a funny little Elmo that is for sure.
Well i love you and hope to SEE you soon. Give hugs and kisses to everyone:)
It sounds like a great Christmas! Your gift for Phillip is a great one, and I am sure will continually be treasured for years to come.
Sounds like you guys are really happy! That's good :o). You and Phil still need to meet my son. That's long overdue!
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