My little Chloe. So sweet. So pretty. So ... aum ... innocent. Innocently into discovering new things, perhaps. Here are some pictures that I recently captured. The first set is of her quietly getting into her siblings' Valentine Day chocolates we had stored in the pantry. She sat there on the floor getting her hands on all the sweets she could muster. When I discovered her, she giggled with delight and offered me some of her treasure. Her mouth was amazingly clean for the act of which she just performed.
The next couple of images are so cute. I thought she was playing so well in the living room. She was so very quiet. I was in the kitchen doing something. I decided to go check on her and this is what I found. She was having a blast shaking the baby powder all over herself and the floor. She then would take her little finger and "paint" in it. I had to snap some pictures. It was too funny. Hey, at least it was baby powder. It was easy to clean up and made my living room smell good. These are just some of the everday moments of our home. Enjoy.

Haha! Our discovery is usually the wipes, an entire pack emptied on the floor. Annabelle like's the chocolate too. She'll hide in the pantry eating it and when discovered say, "Mmmmm, Yummy!" If she ever comes over to play with Chloe you will have to keep a close eye on the chocolate. Women! Hahaha!
tooo cute..that little Chloe...she is all girl: chocolate, and something that smells good...sounds good to me
LOL, I remember when Tori and Connor used to share a room and she did dumped an entire bottle of powder all over him. The room was so dusty white, that I could barely see them... so much for them taking thier naps... love the pics, miss you
Adorable pictures! What fun to capture them in their moments of mischief. :) She is a cutie, and growing so big! It will be fun to see how she is as a big sister soon!
Haha... I love the last pic with her tongue. So cute.
Hee Hee :) I thought I had an "innocently explorative" child with Samuel but then Myah was born. :) Oh, my word, between the two of them.....my hands are full. Samuel loves rubbing lotion in his hair and pretending he's getting spiffied up for church. This is so cute and funny. Next time maybe I'll snap pics.
Ok...I love these pictures. LOL. She is so precious. Isnt it wonderful to be able to capture those memories. Too sweet.
o so cute! You have to love those moments!
That is so adorable..at least she is rubbing and spreading smell good stuff rather than something that is bad smelly. :) She is so cute! Her enthusiasm is great!
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