Monday, April 26, 2010


Have you ever just sat and listened to the silence? Well, to be quite honest - that doesn't happen very often here in the Browning household, and I am just fine with that. However, when it does - I have great opportunity for reflection. It's good to look back and utter thanks for what has transpired. It is good to give thanks for how Christ chooses to mold and shape you.
Well, it's quiet right now ... and I am left to my reflections.
I chose this picture to post because it encapsulates how I view my husband. Here, he is tenderly brushing the hair from my face as the wind whips around us. That is how life has been. He has tenderly cared for me and the children as "life" whips around us.
I love this man.
I think how sweetly my Saviour has cared for me ... right down to the most intimate of thoughts and feelings.
I also think of all my children. How I love them and desire the best for them, knowing that the best is God's will for their life. I think of my sons - and how proud I am of their accomplishments.
I think of my daughters and how it blesses my heart to see the nurturing qualities that comes with their character.
I think to the future and smile. Yes, I smile.
My life, while far from perfect - or maybe even far from desirable by some standards, is just right for me.
A little bit of chaos mixed in with a whole lot of love.
(and I even get a quiet evening here and there for a rambling reflection)
Thank you Jesus.


kristi said...

Charrissa, I love that pic. You are beautiful inside and out!! Thanks for sharing your heart tonight.
(I am signed into my google account but it is me..Kristi L)

Jeanné said...

beautiful picture and what a beautiful post that was!!

Vi Abing said...

God is so good. Thank you for sharing! Vi

Anonymous said...

love that picture, who took it? you always have such sweet words and put them so eloquently! love you,,,, Donna

Renee said...

Beautiful and breath taking the love on your faces. When words fail us God send us a picture. Thanks for sharing you are inspiring.

Anonymous said...

thank you for that little glimpse of your peace as you face many trials. a lot of people take thier trials with bitterness. but a few take it and allow it to form a pearl.(my mom taught this at ladies retreat.)in the midst of our trials is when non-christians view our reactions the most. we must always look to Christ for our peace. say hello to the family.
