Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

For New Year's Eve we decided to have some families over for some games and fellowship. We had a BLAST! We had coffee, games, more coffee, food, more coffee, and lots of laughs. I played cranium with everyone and then went to chit chat a little while others took turns at Pit and Dominoes. Around 3:30am is when everyone with bleary eyes decided they may want to head home. I appreciate all those who came out and brought so much yummy food. We love having people over and really enjoyed everyone's company. It was fun seeing those that were even willing to sit with my boys and play Risk. It was a fun way to usher in a New Year - with wonderful friends!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Great pictures! We had a blast at the Henson's too... we grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, I brought some pasta salad... then just as we began to sit down for some board games Tom and Amanda showed up! So we all played together. Dan was soooo tired from a long and early day of work on Wednesday. But we all survived and finally got some sleep. :) Love your photos, mine are still on the camera, hope to get them off today.